
Has anyone itemized expenses for taxes here?

If so, what exactly can you itemize? This is more for future things - I haven't saved receipts this year - but has anyone for mileage for transporting (or driving back and forth if house sitting), dog supplies, etc?


Good question! I was wondering the same thing....

5 Answers

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This is a great idea!

And how about needing an LLC? Would I need to create an LLC to claim these deductions? Or filing taxes on personal name is just fine ?


All can be done on a personal return.


Look at Schedule C of the IRS tax forms to get an idea of the categories of deductible expenses. Last year I deducted mileage to buy supplies, mileage to and from visiting clients, supplies, advertising, and business cards.


I joined Rover in July 2015 and set up Excel lists of all my business mileage and expenses from the start. So glad, Its really going to make a difference in my taxes (assuming itemized deductions). Excel has pre formatted templates for business expenses that are very easy to use. Believe me if I can do it, anyone can!! Good luck!


Another thing you can keep track of are home repair expenses. If you have a yard that the dogs will be using and you make any upgrades or maintenance expenses; ie: fences, gates, play pools, artificial turf, flea spray, puppy cams, wet weather rugs -- just to name a few things.


I joined Rover last year and didn't keep track of expenses since I figured I wouldn't have nearly enough to make it worthwhile (itemized deductions vs. standard deduction). But then someone recommended that I keep track, so for 2016 I have.

The way I figure it, you would include mileage you drive while caring for the dog (transport to and from the dog park, or a trip to the store to buy dog food if the owner runs out), but not the mileage to and from the owner's house (since a person with a "regular" job wouldn't count the mileage to and from their place of business).

There's also the cost of business cards and other advertising/promotional material you may use. Also, sitting-related supplies you buy exclusively for your use with client pets, or stuff bought for client pets.

I don't know if this will do me any good, but I figured it doesn't hurt to be prepared.