
Pet parent on Social Security needs sitter to be certified? **ANSWERED**?

I have a potential pet parent on Social Security, but will only hire someone that is "Social Security certified"....meaning all payments would be run through Social Security. I've never heard of this or know how this works. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated! UPDATE I did contact Rover about this and they replied. They've never heard of Social Security certification either....and as we all know, payments are only made via credit card. And no, I did not get this person's business, which is probably good when everything starts off so confusing! Thank you Deb, Amber, and Malika for your responses.


Never heard of this. If you connected with them through, Rover Support needs to collect payment through their approved can direct them to the support team, who will tell them the only way to pay is via credit card. *Glad to see the answer update. It sounded like a scam.

2 Answers

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All payments must be done through Rover in order for them to book with you, otherwise you'd be violating the Terms of Service. I would advise you to inform the Owner of know this and have them reach out to Rover for more information since Sitter do not handle payment transactions.


I'm also on Social Security. I've never heard of this either.

Thanks for the comment Kay! In this case, it sounds like the person is trying to phish her for personal information (IE. SS number) which is very scary. I'd report the Owner and messages to Rover.


This sounds strange. I would contact customer support to see what kind of advice they can give.