
What is the best dog toys?

Dog toys kong

3 Answers

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I like West Paw Design and Planet Dog toys because they are very durable.


My dog has lots of toys, but by far her favorite is a 3 foot long snake. It has no stuffing in it...each section is a squeaker.


Anything industructable. I love Kongs and Kong products. I prefer to stay away from stuffed toys or anything easy to chew apart, waste of time and money, and if ingested could cause blockage. If you like these toys, I suggest only using when supervising, not when not home, not paying attention in the other room, or overnight. Also, I do not like Rawhides or similar products. Terrible for the digestive tract and have been know to cause serious complications--again just not worth it. Same goes for those baked bones. They are not safe because they are very dry and tend to crack and splinter. For bones, I go the meat section of my grocery and look for the pack of soup bones. They are raw, with marrow still inside and a little fatty tissue on the outside. They are safe, yummy, cheap, and wil last for years. They generally come in packs of around three. I give one and put the others in the freezer. If you don't like the fact that they are raw, you can boil th first to disinfect, but do not bake as it will dry it out, which is what causes it to crack and not last.