
How can I identify signs of Bloat?

My dog eats very fast, and has a barrel chest. What things should I watch out for to make sure that he isn't suffering from Bloat?

3 Answers

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Pacing, panting, vomiting/regurgitating, and a firm, distended upper abdomen are all signs.

This is hard to watch, but this is a great video for identifying symptoms -


To start, I would get a slow feeder and not allow the dog much activity for 45 minutes after eating. You can also add water to the dry food which can reduce the chances of bloat or feed many smaller meals throughout the day. Bloat happens very fast and is the second leading cause of death in dogs. Symptoms include panting and excessive drooling, pacing, vomiting, and a very hard stomach.


The most obvious symptom is, of course, an enlarged abdomen. You may also observe labored breathing, excessive drooling, vomiting, a weak pulse, and paleness in the nose and mouth.


The stomach will be noticeably bigger. Also, they will be lethargic, have trouble breathing and may drool. You need to take your dog to the vet ASAP as bloat can be deadly.