
When am I ever going to get a special client?

I don't know what it is, but this whole Rover business thing doesn't seem to be a good fit for me. So many other sitters on Rover get many clients and I can't seem to get any. Very frusterating. Any ideas on how????? Thank You

2 Answers

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You had asked a similar question back in July. I looked at your profile and gave you some helpful tips then. I followed up recently and notice you had not changed a thing. What I said back in July I think would be helpful for your profile once you get it active again.


Ditto this.


Hey Dawn, it doesn't appear that your sitter profile is active, so right now no one can request your services. So your first step if you want to continue sitting on Rover is to contact customer support to see what steps you need to take to get your account activated. They'll probably have some good tips for revising your profile to make it more appealing to customers.