
Have you seen the Rover Wait List message? [closed]

Have you seen a message on your profile indicating Rover has placed you on a wait list for providing drop-in visits, doggy day care, and dog walking services on Rover?

The message includes the statements "We're experiencing higher-than-expected interest in providers signing up to offer these services, so we've placed you on our waitlist (sic) for drop-in visits, doggy day care, and dog walking. While you’re on the waiting list, you won’t show up in search results for the services above. The waiting list is managed by our super-smart computer algorithm which adds more sitters as they’re needed. For that reason, we’re not able to manually move sitters from the waiting list."

Just thought I'd mention it as a possible reason in case long-time providers are wondering why business has lessened this year, after offering these services long before newer sitters and the enhancement roll out.

Closed for the following reason question is not relevant or outdated by Deb A.
close date 2016-10-09 12:06:39.138053

2 Answers

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I'm currently on the wait list for walking and drop-ins, yet those services are shown on my profile (I also do overnight stays). I have gotten a request for a drop-in visit, but no walks. Rover did send me an email about the wait list, but they also said pet parents could see my other services (walks, drop-ins). I'm curious to see how this will all pan out.


Thanks for the heads up, but this waiting list wouldn't affect me since I only provide boarding in my home.

Note: Dog boarding and house sitting services aren’t affected by the waiting list. If you’re already offering those services, don’t worry, they’ll continue to operate as normal.

I have to assume that my lack of requests is due to price and growth in the number of sitters servicing my area. I double checked and saw that I came up on the first page at #10 for my area. So it is probably price.


That's true. That would not impact you. Interesting analysis about customer price sensitivity. In my area, there are sitters that charge less, the same, and more (one charges $100 = more than double & is higher up on the list).

Thanks Deb. I sit in my home but checked and got it for the day care service. I followed the instructions but can't find the "banner" to click on except the "click here for more information". How do I find the banner? -Kathleen

I think the banner referred to is what you saw displayed with the yellow vertical stripe of the left stating you're on the wait list. Basically, you will only know that you're on/still on if/when you go to your profile. [When you click here, it shows screen shot of that message under the profile]