
Customer is requesting me to drop my typical rate of $20 dollars to $10 dollars a night over an extended holiday stay. Is this recommended?

Customer is requesting me to drop my typical rate of $20 dollars to $10 dollars a night over an extended holiday stay. Is this recommended? This will be my first booking and I'm eager to get started and get some reviews but I also do not want to short change myself.

5 Answers

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During Holidays sitters are usually in high demand and rover recommends charging a (higher) holiday rate. In My Opinion, Your $20 per 24 hr is low enough, but put in your zip code in the rover search and see what everyone else is charging in your area for a regular 24 hr period. Did they say why they are requesting a lower fee? You can tell the customer that instead of the Higher Holiday rate of $-- you would keep it at the $20 per 24 hrs. How many dogs do they have? Would they become a frequent customer? I am sure other sitters will also have some great suggestions and advise. Welcome to rover! Kathleen D.


Customer is a student who can only afford $10 per day. My rate of $20 dollars per 24 hours in lower for my area but not the lowest. There are a few charging $15, just one dog. I know hse has used before with other providers, she seems to live quite a distance from me, Not sure she would become frequent.


Pet sitters are hard to find for the holiday season. We are usually booked and possibly turning people away for the Holidays. I know you are anxious for your first pet sit but $20 is already cheap for the holidays, that is hard to come by. Just out of curiosity, if he used Rover before why is he looking for a different sitter? I find that when people hop around from sitter to sitter its because no one wants to take their dog back. Did you do a meet and greet and felt it was a good fit? This is not always the case, maybe his regular sitter is booked already, I just find this to be the case. For someone to tell you to lower your rate is insulting, in my opinion. They should value your work. I would not lower it. You are having this dog in your care for how many days, you said it was extended, is it 10 days? That's a lot of walking, playing, feeding, entertaining and being with the dog practically 24 hours a day. Tell him your rate is very reasonable, usually it is more for the Holidays but you will make an exception for him and leave it at $20. That is, if you really want his business.


I appreciate your response and agree. It is for a 22 day stay. I have turned down the customer as she was sending message after message begging for me to accept the lower rate and then finally became very rude . Hopefully this is not always the case with customers!

You made a good decision. No not all customers are like that. She wanted to steam roll you and you didn't let her. Good for you.

I offer one free day for a 10 day booking so 22 days would get 2 free days. I do not offer free night discounts over holidays but I do not raise rates either. Please, do not ever take abuse from anyone. There is a spot to flag a profile if they are abusive. I've had to do it. Total nightmare of a client that would not come to get his dogs. Ugh. He wanted me to keep them an extra month for no extra money and I didn't want to keep them extra. Nightmare! Rover support was brilliant!


I'm glad to see you turned that customer down. Asking you to lower your rate by 50% first of all is just not right, and second of all, your rate is quite reasonable to begin with. Holiday periods are quite busy and you would be losing potential income by keeping the dog that long, so you are justified in not giving in to them. If they are in dire financial straits, in my opinion, they shouldn't a) be leaving the dog for that long, they'd have to pay somebody somewhere, and b) traveling for that long. They can afford the travel, they should budget in the pet care.

Rover does charge the holiday rate for the entire stay around a holiday, which I don't feel is necessary, so I will adjust my rates to show the holiday rate only for the holiday itself, the day before, and the day after, then my regular rate for the rest of the stay. The only exception would be if the stay was less than a week and included a holiday, then I would charge the holiday rate for the entire stay.


Thank you for all of your input. I agree. The way you handle your holiday rates seems very reasonable and flexible. Being a pet owner myself, I am sure your customers appreciate you!


Remember Rover takes 15%. Will the $8.50 cover all the things it takes to care for a dog? Treats, gas, laundry, cleaning up messes, your time? Caring for someone dog is hard work and at times stressful. IMO $10 is not enough, don't sell your self short. If the going low rate in your area is $15, then go with that. And like someone said before we charge more on holidays not less. Happy sitting, Amber G


I agree! Thank you. I was so flustered with the endless messages and attempts at negotiation that I didn't even consider the 15 %. Again, thank you all for the responses!


I hate telling people "no", and I can truly understand where he's coming from, but I wouldn't book him unless he's willing to pay $20/24 hours. Since it's a Holiday stay, there will probably plenty of other people willing to pay your requested rate if you tell him no, so I wouldn't be concerned about loosing business.


Thank you!