
Why has our pup become so anxious and scared?

Looking for advice: Our little Shih Pooh has, in the last few weeks, started acting very afraid to go outside. We walk him and our Pomeranian together and there are other friendly pups in our community. We can’t figure out why he seems to hate going outside all of a sudden. He use to love it. We moved into the home we are in now earlier this year and he acted perfectly fine just until here recently. He is 6 years old. What could be wrong? He is perfectly happy inside (except if he hears a sudden loud noise of something). It breaks my heart that he has gotten so scared.

2 Answers

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Sounds like something he has experienced recently has tainted his experience. It could have been something on a walk, or it could have been another similar situation that he has generalized to going outside at your home. It doesn't even have to be something obvious; the dog decides what he finds scary or not, and it may not be anything we would ever expect. He may be bulletproof against loud noises, but find a moving shadow terrifying.

I recommend these articles -- see if any of it rings true for your dog (even if not to this extreme):


I read these articles and followed the embedded links to classical counter-conditioning and relaxation exercises. Both sound very helpful for many dogs too. Thanks for sharing! Counter conditioning link:

This is my favorite dog blog - not only does it address issues logically and accurately, but she actually gives a lot of useful advice for changing behaviors. So many articles describe the problem and then tell you almost nothing about how to start fixing it.


Hi Lee Anne- I am not a trainer and would suggest that you consult one. But in the mean time: Think back a few weeks ago to the last time when your pup "wasn't" afraid to go outside for a walk. Evaluate if something happened during your walk: Was there thunder, a car backfire, a loud bang of some kind that made him jump? Possibly a emergency service siren? Do the other dogs or did another dog "charge" up to him? Anything else out of the norm?

I would go slow and try: Praise when he steps To the door, Praise when he steps over the thresh hold, etc and if treat oriented, use a treat when he is on the sidewalk, etc. Do contact a trainer to help you and your pup.

Good Luck.