
How do I stop my dog from eating rabbit poop?

We moved into a new house next to a greenbelt and I've found my dog snacking on rabbit poo TWICE now! Any tips on how to prevent it? You can barely see them in the grass..


Feed "your" rabbits in area where your dog is not allowed or on the green belt.

I live next to a nature preserve and their are a ton of rabbits. It is I'm possible to keep them out of my yard and I do keep my dogs on a leash when we go off the porch. All your suggestions are futile.

Eating rabbit poop is not as harmless as many sites state. My puppy developed a parasite resulting in horrendous diarrhea and dehydration from the rabbit poop. She is currently having to take medication. I only wish I could find something so it would not be so attractive to her

2 Answers

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There are various ways to keep your dog from doing this.

You can keep him on a leash and pull him away from it. You can also train your dog with the command "leave it", so that when he is going towards it you can use the command (comes in handy for various reasons). You can also bring treats outside with you to lure him away from the poop, but this may end up enforcing bad behavior.


Outside of somehow keeping the rabbits out of the yard entirely or keeping your dog on leash outside for weeks, months or years while you train him out of eating it, you may be fighting a losing battle. On the up side, rabbit poop is unlikely to be harmful to your dog--the easier solution may be more frequent tooth brushing.


He's just so determined. To dogs, Rabbit poo = cocoa puffs.

That's what I'm saying! Pick your battles; buy more toothpaste. ;)