
How do I delete stay photos?

I have sent owners pictures of there dog, some of which I would not like on my profile. Is there a way I can delete some of them?

2 Answers

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You can't delete them, but you can hide them. Click on your client's profile and select the pictures you'd like hidden. When the pic is pulled up, select the hide option at the bottom. This pic will no longer appear on your profile, and it will only be visible on the client's profile to you and the client. Your client can also hide and unhide any photos of their dog that they choose to.


What! I didn't know this! Thank you! :)


I had this problem a few months back. I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to delete these photos. Finally I called Rover and they said only they can delete them, so they did it for me. I did not know there was a "hide" option. That's another good option.


I wish there was a way to completely hide or delete photos while in my own account. Listing that it is hidden still makes it visible to me. My guy had a tail injury and a sitter sent blood splattered images I'd prefer never to see again! Wish there was "show/hide hidden photos" option.

Yikes, yeah I wouldn't want to keep seeing that either.