
Guest dog is throwing up - When do you become concerned?

Okay I know why our guest doggie is throwing up - she got into a nearly whole bag of treats this morning that I forgot came in another dog's bag. Now she's thrown up five times in the last hour. Do you ever call a vet in these circumstances or is it not necessary since there was a pretty obvious trigger for her throwing up? I plan on letting the owner know this evening in my update, but I'm hoping that I'll be able to report that she's feeling better by then. Until then, I'll be giving her lots of water and rest time. Is there anything else I can or should be doing?

3 Answers

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Has the vomiting stopped? I learned while working with dog rescue that when a dog has diarrhea, canned pumpkin can do the trick. No spices or added anything, just pure pumpkin from the can. For a toy size, I would say a teaspoon or two. For a medium dog, a couple table spoons. For a For a 125lb, up to half the can worked great. For whatever reason, all dogs I have met will eat the canned pumpkin. I always keep a can or two in the pantry (even though I don't bake!) I hope the dog feels better soon!


It might be worth contacting the owner sooner just to be sure she doesn't have any allergies you weren't aware of that could be causing the vomiting. I am concerned that she has thrown up five times in an hour. That's pretty excessive, and to me would be worrying. In my experience with glutton dogs, they throw up once or twice, if at all, and that takes care of it. I can't imagine she has anything left in her stomach after vomiting 5 times, which would lead me to believe that the vomiting is not purely related to the amount she ate. A piece of treat stuck somewhere in her throat could trigger the repeated vomiting, as could an allergic reaction.


Thank you for the answer. I'm not too familiar with glutton dogs, especially since I'm usually much more careful with treats, so I'm really kicking myself. She's had lots of food in all but one of her throwups, which was much smaller. I messaged the owners. Do you usually limit water? I was giving her full access, but she was just throwing it up, and now I'm reading that maybe limiting it is better to let the stomach heal. I'm also wondering if I should hold off on her dinner.

I typically don't limit water, though I'd consider it if a dog were drinking incessantly or unable to hold it down. I usually do very small meals with pumpkin added (I have a powder called Firm Up! which is dehydrated pumpkin that I add to meals to prevent the diarrhea that often comes with the excess eating. I also keep Immodium on hand for my own glutton dog, since she's less inclined to vomit and more inclined to other sorts of messes.


Okay I contacted a vet, who said to fast the dog until morning. The owner simultaneously responded that this happens often and not to worry. She said that if she's still sick in the morning, they would decide whether to contact their vet. The poor pooch is no longer throwing up since we stopped giving her water.


Good to hear! Glad this is normal for her and that the owners were quick to respond. When you do offer water again, offer a tiny bit at a time with breaks in between. Like, a couple tablespoons at a time. She'll likely want to drink it all quickly and can easily make herself sick again if she's allowed to drink freely.

What about the possibility of offering ice to slow down her consumption? Obviously would depend on her size, and should be given with supervision.