
Why my dog's nose is getting dry?

My dog's nose is getting dry and I don't know anything about this so please help.


Your dog's nose may become dry in the winter due to less humidity in the air, cold weather and low temperatures. Other reasons include dirt getting stuck underneath the pads on its nose, or when your dog has allergies.

3 Answers

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Nothing to worry This is a normal problem in dogs sometimes this happens because of dehydration or any kind of allergy you can concern to your vet or use Dry Dog Nose Balm from Puppington, this helps a lot in recovering dry noses.


I expect my dog to have dehydration or allergy, and I will use that balm you suggested.


Indeed, the reason for the dry nose is dehydration or winters due to low humidity. Many breeds go through dry noses irrespective of the weather as well. The solution is to use some moisturizing products such as the wax from Puppington. I prefer using dedicated pet products instead of regular coconut oil or olive oil due to the differences in effectiveness. I use the pup wax regularly even during the summer months as my dog tends to play a lot in the mud and having the coating of the wax reduces the abrasiveness caused by dirt.


Because water