
Should I make my rescue dog leave her crate more or let her settle?

We have a 3 year old rescue Bernese Mountain Dog. We have had her 8 days. She is very timid but allows us to pet and love on her. She loves her walks and playing outside but when inside she loves her crate and wants to stay in it ALOT. Should I make her come out and be social or let her be?

4 Answers

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I would say, like others have already mentioned, that's his safe space so let him stay there as often as he wants/needs to. You just got him 8 days ago. He's still learning about his new home. There's a general rule of 3's when it comes to new pets in the home. 3 days to decompress, 3 weeks to start learning the house routine, 3 months for the new pet's personality to come through. Just give him time and he will eventually spend more time with you than in his crate.


A crate is a safety space for a crate trained dog. I’d let her settle and keep doing what you’re doing. She will come around sooner than later if she’s allowed to do it on her time. Best of luck!!


My newest rescue pup LOVES his crate. It is his house, his safe space where he goes when he's frightened or tired. He is allowed to go in and out anytime he wants. He comes out when I call him.


I don't even own a crate. My rescue plus one, just hang out next to me no matter where I'm at. I feel blessed. Woof, woof, Tressa