
How does Rover handle multiple rover walkers having key access to my home?

Why doesn't Rover have a universal key-entry solution, AKA, kind of like relators use, one where I control the PIN# and can change it myself. I.E., Rover has a universal device to put on my front door, and I set the pin#, and can share that with my sitter in a private conversation etc. I have concerns about finding a Rover sitter to come into my home, have to give them a key, then a few weeks later they quit and I find another sitter, have to then give them a key, and then the same happens, on and on, before you know it, half of my town has my house key? If I had access to a universal device and can change the pin, this would alleviate the concern about multiple people having easy/key access to my home. And please don't answer saying to use a garage code or keypad entry as i don't have a keypad entry (I don't think an


buy a key pad for door on amazon you can change codes remotely and have a timed account of who walked in 6886 family • 1876 housekeeper etc., do not buy the *Schlage they’re easy to break into😣

3 Answers

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You should buy a lock box. I have a few clients that use them and they are easy-to-use 😀


The answer the Rover staff will give you, when you call them, may be related to the fact that service providers on Rover are Not employees, they are Independent Contractors.


You will need to call Customer Support at 888-453-7889 for a response from Rover.