
Why are search results not sorted by distance from the location searched?

  1. Why can't there be an option of sorting the search results by information provided in "Doggy Day Care near" box.
  2. Why don't sitters whom i have marked as favorite still don't appear on my dashboard. These issues cause a lot of frustration and should be easy to fix/add.

1 Answer

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The ability to search by distance is something I have complained to Rover about since becoming a sitter probably 10 years ago.

However, you do have the ability to manipulate the map in order to get this result. Cumbersome and awkward but it is possible.

I encourage you to contact Rover at 888-453-7889 to complain about the need to use distance as the primary way of searching for a sitter. It has never made any sense to me, especially for where I live.

Can't answer your second question.