
Alert: it appears most people will get a 1099 for the calendar year 2022?

Unless I misinterpreted the information, starting 2022, if you earn over $600 gross in one year you will receive a 1099 form. Which means the IRS receives one as well. Here is the note from the FAQ page: Note: For the 2022 calendar year, this threshold is changing to $600 or more in gross payments with no transaction requirement. This seems to me like an extremely important notice. I checked my emails to see if I missed a notification and I can't find it. Please confirm if this is truly the case and if so what notification was provided?


Before you downvote someone, look at when the question was asked and answered, long before the IRS deferred implementation of the new reporting requirement. When it was asked and answered, it was considered accurate information.

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4 Answers

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Did anyone else get a 1099-k with an amount way higher than you earned????? According to Rover I made $28k but my 1099 days $38k. This is messing up my taxes.


The amount reported is the gross, not the net amount after Rover takes its cut. It will include all fees or taxes paid by the customer. All of those fees are deductible on your Schedule C.


I think this topic has been posted here way too many times. Go to the IRS website to learn more. They have accurate information.

What are the new 1099 rules for 2022? See Notice 2023-10. Pursuant to Notice 2023-10, for calendar year 2022, third party settlement organizations who issue Forms 1099-K, Payment Card and Third Party Network Transactions, are only required to report transactions where gross payments exceed $20,000 and there are more than 200 transactions.



I just spoke to a Rover rep, and she said that for the tax year 2022, they are not reporting income less than $20,000. Therefore, they do not send 1099s for under that amount. This is subject to change, depending on the IRS.


Call Customer Support 888-453-7889, they can email you the notification. 1099 requirements come from the IRS as too many contractors, not just sitters don't report their earnings