
I got a request to walk 2 dogs, but only 1 dog is listed in their profile, is this ok?

This seems like they're trying to dodge the system but I don't know if this is typical since just getting started. Should I ask that they create a profile for the 2nd dog before I agree to book the walk? They want me to do a recurring walk, so I assume I'd need a separate rover card for each dog for it to pay correctly.


No. I get this all the time. They only have 1 dog on the profile yet have multiple dogs. They try to cheapskate you. Same with booking one night boarding and the drop of is 9am and the pick up is 6 pm next day. They get 2 days of dog sitting for one price.

No, they can add the 2nd dog on thier profile they made. They just didn't put the dog on there. Remember this is your business, Thier not your friend. If they request you again, tell them that they have to add the 2nd dog onto thier profile. You might risk a sale but remember rover takes 20%.

Plus if Thier not adding the second dog, they are taking advantage of you and know it. This has happen to me, some stay and fix it some don't. I'm not the one to mess with. I work hard for my money. Good luck

This happened to me. I totally didn't notice the payment (which was for just 1 dog) & I boarded their 2 dogs. I caught it later when they tried to book with me again. I brought it to their attention. They acknowledged it but didn't offer to pay. They then changed their minds & did not book 2nd time.

Today marks the 2nd time an owner tried to book 2 dogs, but only pay for one. I paid more attention to the numbers this time and told them they had to change it before scheduling a meet and greet. Haven't heard back. Burn me once...

This just happened to me for day care. I amended the visit and charge the owner my additional dog fee (owner hasn’t gotten back to me yet). I also don’t think it’s fair that the day care prices are based on a 24hr day and not an 8hr day. We should be able to set hrs of operation on our end

4 Answers

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Tell them that you cannot walk their dogs unless both have profiles on Rover. You cannot be responsible for an unlisted pet and will not perform a service for that animal for free. If they are having problems with the website and don't understand how to list additional pets, then try to help them yourself or have them call Rover at [Edit: Rover’s contact options have changed. Visit the Rover Help Center at to find the phone number, help articles, or chat with the team] to get this straightened out.


I find that when I come across this situation with new clients, they are happy to add their other pet(s) to the booking. A lot of people are new to rover and don’t know how it works! I wouldn’t feel comfortable with doing a service for someone who didn’t have all their pets added to a booking. There’s a liability issue, as well as I wouldn’t be getting paid for the additional animal(s).


I have had a client who wanted me to do drop in visits for 2 dogs & 2 cats, but only 1 dog was listed. After I spoke with them regarding the situation, they added their additional pets (they were new to rover & were unaware how it worked. They were happy to fix it once I explained the steps on what to do and how it worked) and I modified my rates according to that specific situation.

I would politely ask your potential client to add each animal on Rover and have them resend the request with the proper # of animals you will be caring for, as you have a specific rate for that situation. It is unfair to you to not get payment for the work you will be doing. After all, you are still running a business.(even though I know it is sometimes hard to separate the two when you care for the animals so much, but you have to) It is also a liability if you are caring for an animal not listed as well. Safety above all! If they have an issue with this, then I would ask them to contact Rover to help explain further, you contact Rover to see what they have to say about the situation, or just politely decline the booking. It may be an issue in the future if the potential client doesn't want to be completely honest in the first place about their pets on their profile and may just be trying to beat the system. I hope this helped a bit! :)


I am going through the same thing right now, owner did not list the correct number of animals and knew about it. I will definitely take the advice of not caring till things are straightened out.