
Why do I have a 'Rover Balance'?

This is the first time for getting $$ through Stripe. I went to my Rover account and it shows a Rover balance. I thought the money was immediately transferred to Stripe. I check, and it says my account is connected to Stripe.


Google "stripe complaints" & "complaints about stripe" there are several sites storing complaints. Read all of them. Don't let stripe have bank access. There doing unauthorized withdrawals. Ask bank to change your account numbers soon. Just wait for other payment options to return, or deal direct.

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Answering just in case for future sitters. Depending on the system, two days after job completion your payment will go into your Rover balance. After that, it's a waiting game with Stripe as to when you actually get that money. This could take up to five business days. Rover says Stripe offers immediate payments but that's not necessarily true, which is a failure in honesty on Rover's part.