
Do you let owners visit their pets during boarding stays?

We received a request to board two cats, and the owner wants to visit during their stay. Do you guys let them? We feel that this may be okay for cats since cats tend to be a bit more independent than dogs. Any thoughts? Thanks!


What is the purpose of them visiting their pet?

No! I would have to set boundaries with this issue, maybe just say it’s not convenient because of other pets, meet and greets, drop off and pick ups and clients, because really, it’s not! That is an awkward situation for the client to put you in the middle of. I’d prob decline this type of booking

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Occasionally, I’ve known dog owners to ask. However, they’re usually very sensitive to the fact that it can be disruptive to the pet adapting to life without them and limit it to one visit while walking outside. That way, Dogs can continue on to the home with the pet sitter.

I’m not sure how this would work with cats. If the owner visit inside the home, The owner would leave their scent and I would think it would be harder for the pet to adapt because they’ll be searching for the human.