
Did I deserve this bad review?


I just began sitting on Rover, and I received a bad review for the last dog I pet sat. I was really upset because I felt that I took really good care of her dog. I walked her dog three times a day & fed her dog when I was supposed to.

She texted me a few days after the sitting to re-book me; I had a busy school week and didn't see/respond to the text for a few days. I was about to finally respond to her text, but I saw that she had left me a terrible review yesterday.

She left me a 1 star review saying that "impossible to get ahold of" and that I did not let her dog out until 12pm. I responded promptly to any of her messages during the sitting, but I did not respond to her request for my services for a few days (though this was after the sitting). As far as her other complaint, I work remote job from 9 - 12pm on Saturdays, so what likely happened is that I took her dog out for the first time right after I finished work. However, I was with her dog & fed her dog until after my shift.

I also felt a bit uncomfortable because I have no idea how she would know exactly when I took her dog out; I guess she probably had a camera. I also asked her what her dogs schedule was, and she told me she lets him out three times a day, but she did not give me any specific times ( though I assumed it would be morning, afternoon, and evening.)

I felt like all of this did not warrant a one star review.

In everyone's experience how do badly do bad reviews affect your booking rate? And do you all feel that this was a just review?


I meant to say ***I was with her dog and fed her dog during my shift… Also I meant to add that I do agree that I should’ve been more proactive and arrived with enough time before my shift to let her dog out in the morning. But I am confused as she did try to rebook me

Ugh - I understand that. I would just not sit for her again. Did you tell her of your situation before and after? I know I run around a lot when I'm doing Rover clients. Also yes - I don't know how the review thing goes or the response rate is calculated.

3 Answers

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Since you cannot change the past, It’s better use of your energy to figure out how you can improve going forward.

When you have a meet and greet, that’s the easiest time to discuss what your schedule looks like, what isthe dogs routine, and figure out if it matches. Ask detailed questions , including what times their dog is used to eliminating and eating. Some dogs are used to their first walk before dawn (4-6am) some walkas late as10-11 am. Some dogs last evening walk can be as early as 7 pm, for others it’s around midnight.

If there’s a conflict discuss ( oh I do remote work from 9 to 12 -do you think the dog can wait to go out after that or do you think the dog would need to go out before then? )

Anytime a client reaches out to you, whether or not it’s for a current booking, reply ASAP- Even if the reply is “Hi, I’m walking right now (or something else), I’ll look at this and get back to you.”


Be sure to respond/reply to her review and state the facts. "Thank you for your feedback. The instructions that were provided were to let out Fluffy three times, of which I did five. We played and I spent 6 hours with him after my shift. He ate well, took a 45 minute nap while I was there, and I watered your plant by the kitchen window. I will be sure to book specific times with my clients in the future. I'm sorry for the miscommunication." Or, you can call Rover support and try and get the review removed. OR, you can send out Testimonial requests to your friends and family you have sat for in the past and push her review as far down as people care to scroll to.


Reviews can’t be removed!. Rover will not do that! And, responding to it highlights it more and can lead to that person getting agitated and trying to escalate/ damage business more. Considering all this, is why I’d suggest to move forward instead.


Obviously, there are always two sides or more to the story. What you said you did vs what the client felt you did are different scenarios and that has been documented by the clients' review; this horrible review will haunt you for a long time and maybe a factor if anyone ever books you again. You may even consider having friends and family book 1 walk each so they can write reviews Best of luck to you as it won't be easy!