
Not sure if this owner is a scammer, being weird or I’m reading into it too far? Opinions?

I have recently gotten a weekly dog walking request starting mid August. I messaged back letting them know I blocked off all of September and October on my calendar because I will be moving so perhaps to choose someone that would be around longer for the services. They messaged back without acknowledging that message and gave me their address and phone number saying to call them anytime. I was creeped out so I didn’t say anything. They messaged again 2 days later saying I would still like to do a meet and greet anyway. So I let them know my schedule and we could schedule closer to the service.

They once again sent me their number and told me to call them. And again a day after that sent me their number telling me to call them so we can meet. So I replied and told them, I thought we were going to schedule a meet and greet closer to the date. Their reply was once again to send me their address and phone number saying they would love to meet me and how they’ll be at their moms next week. So I told them I’m not available next week which is what I was trying to say the first few messages. Is this strange to keep pushing to meet me and urging me to call them?

1 Answer

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If you’re feeling uneasy and looking for validation on the forum chances are it probably is a scam. Always trust your gut instinct. I’ve said no to many people simple because I didn’t feel comfortable. Who knows they could’ve been great clients, I’ll never know o well! Either way I will always trust myself over anyone else in any situation. Good luck!


Agreed. If you explain they really need to use the app to contact you and they can't follow directions I would feel uneasy too. Just don't do it.