
I got a 3 star review after a good stay?

Hi I just started doing boarding and daycare on Rover, so far after about 10 days of work I've had 5 bookings, 4 stays(1active rn). I have asked each client to leave a review after as one would. I've gotten one and it was from my first stay, the owner never told me anything was wrong and that it was an amazing experience, her dogs loved me too. I really can't think of anything I did wrong to get three stars.. I completely accommodated to many changes (from last minute day care, then to boarding, and then the owner was 1hr+ late for pick up and drop off after specified times were promised (I was putting off many meet and greets off waiting). I have a few testimonials from family and friends from when I watch their pets in the past and only that review so I am assuming that stay was what gave me 3 stars? I tried asking the other owners in a follow up message for a review but I dont want to pester anymore. Does any one have tip to get reviews? is there anyway the owner could change the rating if I personally reach out? I know some people will never give 5 stars but if it's affecting my livelihood I would hope maybe they would reconsider (as I want to go full time with this but after 3 stars getting owners to choose me is 100x harder)

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If you contact that owner, I’d suggest doing it is the past stay’s messaging and let them know you enjoyed their dog and are hoping to grow this business full time. Ask in a very friendly tone if there is anything else you could have done to earn a higher rating as you are feeling slightly discouraged by your first and only 3* review, which may have future clients looking elsewhere. The person may not have paid much attention to the rating assigned or may not realize the impact.