
How do you politely turn down a sitting request after seeing their dirty home?

I’ve had a couple of meet and greets with perspective clients where during the meet and greet, I see their house and it’s dirty. I don’t mean like they are busy dirty or cluttered. I mean I don’t want to set my keys on the counter or the house smells like dog pee dirty. Do you just deal with sitting in a dirty house? How do you politely turn down the sitting after the meet and greet?

2 Answers

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You are under NO obligation to give them a reason. So don't tell them that their house was a pigsty. Just be polite and professional.


Thank you!


Do not accept this job! Just let them know ASAP that your situation has changed, it was great meeting them, apologize and let them know you are not able to sit for them after all

Good luck!


Thank you so much! I needed help with verbiage. Saying that my situation has changed is great! I don’t feel like I’m lying but can be honest about not being able to do it.

Please help! I'm in the same predicament but I've already started staying. I'm a week in. They come back tonight for a 2-day break then leave again for another week. Can I quit or do I have to stay?

You can use the same pro-call as above. Say " Something came up (I like to say I have a personal matter to deal with). They need to find a back up or Rover can possibly help them find one.