
Anyone have any luck with help responding to your email questions? I've tried three times in two days and these guys won't answer me?

Anyone have any luck with help responding to your email questions? I've tried three times in two days and these guys won't answer me!!!


Same here. I emailed and haven't gotten a response. Is there even a phone number to call? I can't find one anywhere.

Just found the number...

They don’t answer me either. What happened to the phone contact?? I’ll just call the damn emergency line. Then I get an email that they are putting me on hold due to inactivity!! I am getting back to being so with Covid being lifted. What a bunch of crap.

I've sent 3 emails. i got a response somebody would contact me but not yet. I just found the # [Edit: Rover’s contact options have changed. Visit the Rover Help Center at to find the phone number, help articles, or chat with the team]

4 Answers

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Yes, I have had them respond twice in a timely fashion within the past month.


Every single time I've called, they've answered in less than 5 minutes. Emails usually take 24 hours to get a response. Their number is at bottom under contact me, I recommend using that


I never send emails. I use the CS ph# 1-[Edit: Rover’s contact options have changed. Visit the Rover Help Center at to find the phone number, help articles, or chat with the team].

I've Always has great experiences with Rovers CS staff.


I email them with all my questions and they respond right back. I use the form in the app to contact the support.