
When will cards send correctly?

For the past 2 weeks I have had recurring card issues.

Cards don't get completed, I call Customer Service, they tell me to delete the app then reinstall, I reinstall, and occasionally it says I didn't complete a drop in at all, despite the messaging part of the visit saying a drop in was started earlier.

Why are card details are not accessible at all once you've finished your visit? Why are cards having issue sending now?

This is only a more recent issue and has nothing to do with wifi issues, as it doesn't matter what wifi or data I might be on, nothing sends when I hit "send"

If I can't get a card to get completed and sent to the owner, I still want to be able to see the time started, ended, and the notes that I TRIED to send to the owner, so that I can copy and paste them in an actual message that would actually reach the owner. I should be able to get all of the notes to the owner without having to copy and paste it OUTSIDE of the card.

How is this not prioritized, and will adversely effect us? It looks bad on ME as a sitter because I have to constantly apologize about why they don't see a card or my notes until the next day. I should not have to call customer service every time I do a visit or walk to ensure the card details go through. You are penalizing sitters because your app is buggy.

1 Answer

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Rover support never comes to this forum, we are Rover sitters and clients, so it is highly unlikely we can assist with your technical issues. Keep calling support and try to escalate the problem. But note it could be your phone, it could be your phone carrier. Typically I ask my new clients for WiFi access at the M&G to help cut down on Rover card issues


Has nothing to do with phone or phone carrier or even wifi access. They don't send in clients' homes, not in my home, not off of wifi using data, not on an iPhone or a new Samsung, not on Verizon or ATT. I call support all the time because it's the only way my cards go through. I was referred here.