
How long did it take dog walkers to get their first client?

Hello. I am starting Rover as a side job to build my savings. I am only offering dog walking due to the pandemic and I was just approved. I have a question for all the dog walkers. How long did it take ya'll to get your first client?

2 Answers

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I became a Rover sitter at the beginning of a pandemic, so my client growth was somewhat slow, especially for dog walking. Though once I retained one recurring booking with a wonderful client (about 3 months in) things definitely started to pick up.


About a month - two 5 star reviews for dog boarding & daycare really helped move my profile up in search results ๐Ÿ‘


Due to the pandemic acquiring clients has been very difficult to non-existent. I've had 1 dog walking booking in the past year and have been on Rover for more than 5 years. Prior to the pandemic, I would average 5-7 walks per day and that has gone to zero. Best of luck to you during these trying times.