
Can vinegar irritate dog skin?

Hi guys i have a english bulldog that started experiencing bald spots and hairloss, the bald spots are about an inch wide and sometimes they start bleeding my vet told me it was mites and gave me nexgard which hasn’t helped him. I read online that vinegar can help so i decided to spray some and noticed that one of his bald spots started bleeding. Is the vinegar helping or making things worse.

3 Answers

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I would strongly recommend that you follow up with your veterinarian. English Bulldogs are prone to skin issues as it is. As with any breed, Skin issues can become a huge problem if not treated properly.

There are two different types of skin mites. Sarcoptic which is highly contagious to people and other pets so staying on top of your dogs skin is crucial.

Demodex mite- is common in puppies. Older dogs can get it also but it normally means that their immune system is low and in which case you want to work closely with your Veterinarian to find out why?

Treatment can be long depending on the severity of the mites but you do want to make sure you get 2 negative skin scrapes before you just assume your dog is fine. If treatment is stopped to early, you will end up back to square one.

Again, I can not stress the importance enough on following up with your Vet!

Best of Luck!


Sometimes vinegar helps with yeasty skin. This skin is flaky and greasy to the touch. It has a distinct smell. English bulldogs are known to have skin sensitives. Perhaps they are having an allergic reaction to something? To figure if its environmental, try a bath with hypoallergenic shampoo once a week? If not it could be internal, such as food or something in their food. (My dog reacts when she sneaks tortilla chips)

Good luck!


If you believe everything you find on the internet you are a fool. Work with your vet to find the issue with your pup and follow his recommendation.