
How do sitters get there first customer?

I signed up for Rover 4 months ago and I have still not gotten any requests. What do I do to get a customer?

1 Answer

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Sorry, you have been having trouble getting clients. The state of the pet care industry is dismal right now and has been since last March. No one is traveling and many are working from home and that equals no bookings. I've been on the platform for 5 years and only received only one booking since last March.

I looked at your profile and you have lots of work to do to make it stand out and get noticed.

Ask your friends and family to submit testimonials as having none is the kiss of death. You state you are a 10-year-old girl, you must be 18 to be a Rover sitter, possibly you think this is cute, but most potential clients wouldn't pick you. You appear to have set your service area very large it should be no larger than 10 miles. Add more pictures of you and your dogs.

I wish you the best of luck in these trying times