
What to do when dog destroyed another dog’s bed?

I had like 8 dogs over the holidays and most of them were pretty good, they didn’t chew up anything, only peed and pooped OUTSIDE and behaved pretty well but there was two of them who would pee or poop everywhere even when they were provided enough potty breaks, and chew up anything. They would go to the trash and chew up everything, destroy toys. Overall, it was messy while they were here. They already left and they gave a $20 tip which was honestly gladly appreciated since they also wouldn’t let me sleep with all their crying at night but they also destroyed another dog’s bed and I don’t know what to do. $20 is honestly not enough to buy a good dog bed sometimes. I tried searching for brand and tags and buy the other dog a new bed out of pocket and just keep the old one for future dog stays but I couldn’t find anything and I’m not sure what is the best way to handle it. I want to come up straight to the owner of the dog but I don’t know what would be the best way to reach out. I know owners are not obligated to pay for anything their dog breaks but I don’t know how it works when it’s something from another dog


I just received a message from my sitter that another dog destroyed my dog’s bed. I am livid because it is the only bed we have gotten that my dog has not destroyed herself. Shame on me for bringing it I guess but I do expect some sort of compensation to replace it.

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Don’t take on more dogs than you can handle, dog should have been supervised then you would have noticed he was destroying the bed