
Why I can't do check in on drop in visits?

I was hired for a drop in visit, but the app didn't show me the hours that I should do the check ins, so I asked the owners at what time they would like me to do the drop-in visits, they said between 7 am and 8 am, so I went at 7:30 am, but I couldn't do the check in until 8am. How I can address this issue, How I can do check in's if the app doesn't show the time that I was hired for? thank you.

2 Answers

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I do know what Ale is talking about, I too have had similar situations.

When I have more then one drop in for the same client on the same day, the app does have something where you can not check in too early. I think they have it designed so you can not click your check ins back to back or by accident, not really too sure why or how to go around the app. What I normally will do if message the owner with a picture when I first get there (so they know you are there ) Then when the app does let me get into it. I will check in and check right back out ( if I am already done with the stay).

I wouldn't point out the problem to the owner . But in me message to the owner saying Hi, I got here at xx time, Fido was happy to see me. Write down what ever you and the pet did. then let then know what time you left.


Thank you so much Erica, your answer is so helpful!!


The Rover App nor calendar has a time allocated for the visit, time to visit is determined with your client. Best of luck.


also try restarting the app then you should have the drop in should show (start)