
Dogsitting Rottweiler: usually cheerful and happy but now depressed over absent owners?

I am dogsitting while his owners are away for a week. He is fine when I put the leash on him to take him for walks and he will eat most of his food. The problem is if I try to pet him and console him to try to make him feel okay, he will growl at me.I have met him before and he always let me pet him. He also is sleeping and laying down all day if he is not on a walk. I am assuming this is all because he severely misses his owner so Im just wondering if theres anything I can do to make him feel better/cheer him up. I am on day 2 of 7.

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If you're noticing a behavioral change in a dog you already know, I'd suggest it's time to tell the owners in a gentle & kind way. Maybe in an update, something along the lines of "Rover(name) seems to be enjoying our walks together and is eating well (finishing most of his food), but I noticed a change when he's at home. Rather than being active at home, he's sleeping and laying down all day. Also, if I pet him, he'll growl, which is new. I want to mention this it in case there's anything you'd like me to do for (name).

I wouldn't necessarily be quick to guess these changes are due to missing his owners because his new growling behavior, combined with being more sedentary than usual at home, could indicate he's not feeling well.