
How to walk pups who don't want to leave home?

Hi everyone,

I was wondering what are some tips or advice you have for pups who don't want to walk far
when walking away from home? Situation being either the pups family member is home, so the pup wants to be home with their owner. Or the pup doesn't want to walk away from their home. Besides treats, what have you done in this situation? Curious to see your answers!

Thank you!


Ask the owner. Explain, you had some difficulty getting dog X to go beyond point A. When I find the brakes put on during the walk - it depends on where it happens, how far into the walk and of course weather conditions.

1 Answer

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I only take care of small dogs, so my answer may not be relevant to the all sizes of canines you walk applying their "paw-brakes" (as I refer to them). If the family member is home, I'll often pick them up and cradle them (like a baby) until we get far enough away from the home, that they'll walk when I place them on the ground. Sometimes the walk may involve more carrying than walking, but unless there's a medical reason, usually even reluctant pups are happy to walk back towards home. I'll also use a happy voice & energy to communicate we're going on a fun walk and have my dog/their friend/fur-host extraordinaire lead the way. If I know the canine's fetish, (such as squeaky toy, ball, or junk mail postcard) I'll use that to my advantage, using as a lure.
Rarely, I'll resort to having the guest pup ride in my dog's stroller. After safely returning home, I'd also let the owner know what is happening in case they have a suggestion.

I tend to not use treats because the dog parents I've helped are somewhat strict about what and how much their dog consumes to maintain optimal weight & health.