
How do I accept a request ?

I'm new to Rover, someone messaged me asking to do weekly walks. The owner and I sent a few chats and I told him the time was perfect. However, it says that the request expires in 70:03:43 ? It does not give me the option to confirm, just a pending response from him, a modify request, and cancel the request. It says that I can schedule a meet and greet. Do I have to schedule a meet and greet in order to book the walk? It doesn't say anywhere where to book it.

http:// (image description)

2 Answers

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The booking request is waiting on the client to accept the booking then it should also ask you to confirm. Best of luck


Hi Silva! It depends on whether or not the pending acceptance is for you or for the client. If you clicked on "Book Now" then it was sent to the client and once they accept by following the instructions they receive it will be booked. If you did not click Book Now then the client did and it's waiting for you to click "Accept". You can just click the Accept button that you see in the request. If you want more details the FAQs are really thorough. You can see them here:…

Meet & Greets are not required to book. However, I strongly suggest doing Meet & Greets prior to accepting a job, especially when you're new. I know it's a bit harder now with Social Distancing so you can make adjustments but the Meet & Greet offers an opportunity for the dog to meet you and for you to determine if it's a dog that is a good fit (and see if you and the owner are a good fit). Most of the time there won't be an issue but there are times when you can end up with a less-than-ideal situation and the Meet & Greet may have sent up some red flags.

Good luck and welcome!!! I hope that you have a wonderful experience!