Possible Scam?

I received a request from someone last week asking me to watch their pets from one specific day to another. He said it was urgent because he was leaving for an emergency work trip. His profile all seems legit though he did say he just made the profile the night before. He asked for my phone number to interact more easily so I gave it to him and we have been conversing. His number coincides with the place he says he lives and his address is a real home. He says his mother lives with him but cant take care of the pets on her own. I have also been in contact with her though her area code doesn't match his. All was fine until he said he was having trouble paying over the app so i gave him the information needed to Zelle me through the Chase app or Paypal. He said he didn't feel comfortable with that because he doesn't bank with chase and has never used Paypal. He said He would have his accountant take care of it but then his accountant coincidentally was out of the office half of the week. I received a notification from Chase saying my account was locked due to unusual activity. The guy also keeps pushing the start date back by like three or four days. I am not really sure what to do, I sent something into the Rover customer support but haven't heard anything back. The guy is really pushing to get my information to pay me as soon as possible but I'm just not sure if he's legit or not.