What to do about sitter who neglected dog and "lost" items in house? How to get partial refund?

What will Rover do- what should I do- I have a house sitter that "lost" garage door opener, bath towel, some silverware. Drank $30 worth of beer, including getting beer out of basement pantry. More importantly, neglected my dog and did not stay at our house the nights promised. Have evidence through neighbors AND he even admitted "went home 2 or 3 nights to be with girlfriend". House cleaners found 2 piles of poop in a corner- our dog has NEVER in 13 years had an accident in the house. Further evidence he was not here every day and night. I paid a lot and am really mad right now- wrote bad review to warn others, but feel I should get at least a partial refund. Sent complaint to Rover- no real answer yet. What else can I do?