
How do I stop my dog from crying all night long?

Hey guys! My 8 month old puppy cries all night long and I don't know how to make her stop!


I got her when she was 10 weeks old and I have/had already trained her to sleep in her crate. She did this for months with barely an issue. She would cry occasionally, but mostly she just went to bed. I took her to stay at my moms one weekend and I didn't have her crate, so I let her sleep in the bed with me. (I know, bad call on my part.) Now I can't get her to sleep in her crate at all! She wants in the bed with me and she cries ALL NIGHT LONG until she gets her way. I've tried ignoring her. She doesn't stop. Literally doesn't stop all night long. I've tried various sleepy time spray/supplements. No effect. Shirt with my scent? Didn't help. White noise machine? Just made her whine louder.

I know it's my fault for letting her in the bed with me, but this is starting to affect my everyday life. I need some sleep! Does anyone have any ideas on how to get her back on track? I don't know if this matters, but she does stay in a pen 3 days during the work week while I'm at work and at doggie daycare the other two days. We are working on her getting her freedom during the day, but she just isn't quite there yet.


You may have to allow her to be out more and have more quality time. Being caged up can be a bit depressing. Is she a big dog?

Why not let him sleep with you? I think it’s silly that people say don’t do it. Your dog is part of your pack. My Standard Poodle is 6 yrs and sleeps with us. He often gets down on the floor during the night and it’s all fine.

Try to work with her by providing positive reinforcement. Reward her and make it known that she is a GOOD dog whenever she doesn't cry. You can also try tiring her out by taking her on longer walks. I hope this helps. Don't forget! Reward her for being a good and quiet doggie.

Hey sorry to hear that it’s disappointing for the both of you! What it sounds to me is maybe she misses you since you work and she probably doesn’t like that cage since she stays in it for 3 days while you are working. Maybe try hiding the cage at night and get a bed for her next to where you sleep

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Sorry to hear you are both struggling. It reminds me of my human babies! Before you try to get an answer to the question how to stop the crying... stop and ask yourself if you can let her sleep with you on the bed. The pup is crying out of loneliness and a wish to be with you. Having her near you at night is "easy" bonding time. Sometimes we just grew up with certain rules and they can be changed. If this is out of the question, and, I personally don't want my dog to sleep in my bed either, don't worry there are options.
You have unintentionally trained the dog to whine x amount of hours until she will get out of the crate. For example if she is put in crate at 10pm and whined until 3am until she got let out of the guessed it she has learned it will take 5 hours of crying. Don't worry she can unlearn it! But it will take about 5-1 experience to over-ride. For about 5 nights, try this. Here is how.

  1. I assume you have already tried the shhhh technique and it is not working. (In case you haven't, simply give a mild verbal correction at first whimper. I use 'uh-uh' with my dog for a mild correction of anything and save the NO for major offenses). If this has not worked or you suspect it won't, jump right to part 2.

  2. Before crate time but near the crate entrance, pet and hold her and use mild, quiet and soothing babble talk and pet until she relaxes (about 3-5 minutes). Don't baby talk or get her excited. While continuing to talk, touch the crate, open the door slowly and indicate that this is coming but she is still with you. If she starts a whine, you withdraw the soothing talk immediately. So she is getting the reward of your voice as long as she is quiet. Restart as soon as she has been quiet for a few seconds. While in the security of your lap, she is learning quieting down.

  3. Once she is very relaxed, and even if she has not whined when the crate is suggested, use a key word like "time for bed" and put her in. Once you have determined she goes in, do not hesitate or she may learn to delay that with whines also. All the while you are constantly continuing the soothing talk as you close the gate and for several continuous minutes.

  4. You begin to taper off the soothing talk as she gets sleepier by talking slower and more intermittently. If there is a peep, your talk goes off immediately. You are trying to train longer and longer periods of her quiet so if you can stop talking for a few seconds and she stays quiet, that is good. But it is too soon to withdraw the talk the first few times she ...


I would suggest when she is left in her puppy pen during the day, leave the kennel open and in there with her, and also when you are home try and Have her go in it, for even a couple of minutes with a favourite toy of hers and/or some yummy treats. This way she will start to create a more positive association with her kennel as something that she enjoys or doesn’t mind going into, as opposed to it in her mind meaning that, her having to be in it, means not being close to you anymore or that you’re leaving her. You should try to avoid having her create a negative association with her kennel. A dogs kennel should be a place where they are able to feel secure and relaxed, not stressed out.

The whining could also be because she feels she has gone down In ranking in her “pack.” Being allowed on high ground (in this case, your bed) is something that dogs perceive as being only for the alphas/leaders of their pack and other high ranking members. And since she is still young. Almost at her teenage age but not quite there yet, she is still a puppy so her go to reaction is to whine when she doesn’t like something.

I would suggest as well, though I know it’s difficult. To just tough out the night if possible. Move her kennel to somewhere else in the house so that her whines are a little quieter for you, and kind of let her tough it out. Since you allowing her into the bed when she whines, is positively reinforcing that reaction of hers. She has learned that if she whines while in her kennel, she will not only be let out of her kennel but you will interact with her. Though this is kind a double edged sword. You don’t want her to develop separation anxiety from this but you also don’t want to continue reinforcing this behaviour.

I do hope that I was able to help you out at least a little bit, and best of luck to both you and your puppy!


It's tricky, but possible. A couple of things to make life a little easier:

Make sure she's gotten rid of all that extra energy. Maybe do a walk before bed to help tire her out, or play fetch. Where's her crate? If it's near your room, she hears you moving. It's best if it's in a different part of the house. She doesn't hear you, and you don't hear her. Reward the quiet time, no matter when you crate her. Going to work, running an errand, even short trips outside without her, put her in her crate. If she's being quiet, reward her for it. You noticing and rewarding her for good behavior will make this much easier for you. Then, when you're ready to put her to bed, keep treats close. If she goes in without a fight, that's a treat. She's quiet as you close the door, that's another treat. Wait a few seconds outside of her crate. If she's quiet, that's another treat. As you do this more often, you can replace treats with praise.

If a crate isn't necessary for her at night, you can do the same thing, but with a dog bed near your bed. Teach her the "off" command, or "bed." She gets to be near you and not crated, and you get your bed back. If you notice that during the night, she's come back onto the bed, "off" and then a treat when she complies.

She'll get there. Just be patient and don't cave! You can do it! Get that bed back!


Is the crate in your bedroom? If it isn’t then I would move it into your room, dogs like to be with their pack. If it is in your room, then you can try a couple other things. Move crate to a different part of the house so you won’t hear her crying. Or if she just doesn’t like the crate, create a blocked in area of your room with her bed and a toy where she can sleep but cant get out. You could use an Xpen or baby gate. I had a puppy that hated the crate, so we blocked in the kitchen and he slept fine in their until he was older.


Can you move her crate closer to her bed? Maybe if she has direct eye sight with you that would help.


Hi! I just got my 8 week old puppy but he is loving his Snuggle Puppy (it has a heartbeat and a warmer) and also the thunder shirt and pheromone spray. It’s also been beneficial to make sure he eats and then gets enough exercise before bed. Oooo and I got a crate cover. Best wishes!


Keep ignoring her. If you go over to her and comfort her, she will think if she cries you will cuddle her. Try adding toys to comfort her. When she doesn’t cry, give her treats. Soon she won’t need treats. Crying is a common behavior from puppies when they want their mom. Later, they grow out of it. Don’t always let dogs have their way. Sometimes, think of you’re dog as a child. If you give a child too many things, they become spoiled and think they can have everything their way. It’s simple. Ignore her. Praise her with treats. Give her toys. Don’t punish her.