
Help! A puppy ate our blinds, oh no?

Hello, here is some context. We are dog-sitting two dogs. One is a repeat "customer" and has been with us for overnights for the last few nights; he is a 4-year old mini Australian Shepard. Then, today, an 8-month-old Wheaten Terrier booked for day care. Both owners were made aware of the overlap and both were completely fine with the "play date."

We were told by the owner of the Wheaten, at drop-off this morning, that he barks at cars and people passing by. The Aus. Shepard does the same. So, we didn't think anything of it. All has been going very well up until just now. He has spent most of his time outside playing in our backyard, digging in the dirt, playing ball, just running around like a crazy puppy to exhaustion. We all came in to chill out. They were both so well behaved together and the Wheaten just in general.

Shortly after getting back inside my friend came by to pick something up. She had her toddler in the car with her so rather than having her unbuckle him, I met them outside at their car which was parked right outside my house. I brought the Australian Shepard with me so my friend's toddler could be entertained by him for the few minutes we talked before they left, and left the Wheaten resting on our sofa. I wasn't outside for more than five minutes. During this time, I could hear the Wheaten inside the living room barking but, already knowing he barked at cars and people passing by, I didn't think anything of it. I figured he could just see us through the window.

The type of windows we have are kind of one-way, so, you can see perfectly fine looking outside, but people outside would see more of their reflection than they can see inside.

In the, literally, minutes I was out front my house, he destroyed the lower six slats of our wooden blinds. They're severed in half, full of bite marks, and some of the cabling is frayed. Nothing else was touched - he didn't destroy any furniture, make a mess, try to eat my toddler's toys, nothing. He must have just not appreciated me being outside where he could see me and the other dog.

I know there is no protection for sitters with regard to damage done by dogs in their care and I realize that this is the cost of "doing business" sometimes. I more just want to know the personal experiences of other sitters in situation - did you tell the owner? If not, why? How did the owner respond for the most part?

3 Answers

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It's good that you understand "there is no protection for sitters with regard to damage done by dogs in their care and I realize that this is the cost of doing business sometimes." It seems many sitters are unprepared for the property damage that can occur in a very short time, especially when you're at home with the dog.

My impression / experience is that if pet parents are given unsolicited negative feedback about their pet from a sitter, most owners will get defensive and sometimes may even lash out with a bad review, even if it's not an accurate reflection of the service. I've read some sitters are successful collecting for damages, but I can't speak to that. I have met pet parents who paid to replace destroyed toys, but never booked with that person again and they book a Lot. Especially with a puppy, but really it can apply to any dog guest new to your home, crates or indoor playpen/gated areas are great solutions whenever you can't watch the dog. Add'n: In this case, it's nice to hear that it worked out and the owner apologetically admitted to known SA issues and offered to replace the damaged property. This may be regarded as a lucky outcome, as it doesn't always go so well. Unfortunately, it's through booking experiences like these, than many sitters learn additional questions that they need to ask before booking and precautions they need to take in effort to preserve the home.


Thanks, Deb. Yes, I'm really grateful he was so understanding. It was his first time doing doggy daycare in someone else's home, too - his wife is usually at home during the week with their pup, but had to travel yesterday. So, a lesson for both of us. We're still a bit new at providing daycare too!


Here’s an update. I was forthcoming and let the owner know what happened. He felt really terrible, even mentioning he should have told me their pup has displayed separation anxiety. He shared that once he and his girl friend were standing outside their home in the yard and their puppy was so desperate and panicked that he jumped onto a shelving unit under their window and knocked all their potted plants to the ground.

He told me this when he was standing in my living room looking at the blinds and apologized profusely for not telling me of his pup’s separation anxiety and also said we were his first “daycare.” He certainly did not make any remarks about me being careless and has offered to cover the cost of the replacement blinds.


Think about it. Are you really thinking of telling this story to the Wheaten's owner? That you left their dog alone, uncrated in your home, while you stood out front, with the other dog? Seriously?


Karen, I totally disagree with you. I really don't think it was her fault.. It's going to be hard to explain to the owner that what happened wasn't your fault. They may either be completely understanding or outright defensive. Hopefully when they come pick up their dogs they notice the damage?

Karen, I was outside for all of five minutes - if that. The owner also didn’t request that I crate his dog if I stood out my home for five minutes let alone at all. I’ve had other owners drop off crates for their dogs. And nothing was mentioned about crating or separation anxiety or anything.

I am glad it all worked out. But I wouldn't have mentioned it. My own dog isn't destructive at all, but he goes nuts when there's a dog on the front stairs or people standing outside on the sidewalk talking. 1 minute or 5 minutes, it doesn't matter to the dog. Their sense of time is not like ours.

Also, the client was remiss about not telling you about the dog's SA. But did you ask? It is on my form, one of the most important things to find out about a dog.

The goal of Q&A is to provide a space where dog lovers can connect with and learn from one another. I don't think it's important to patronize the sitter. Let's help each other out not criticize

Ditto what Victoria said! Though my 2 cents is the reality is you cannot be expected to be at a dog's side every minute. You might have to take out garbage, go to the bathroom, pick up poo, or even meet a friend or client outside.

I likely would have done the same in that situation - gone outside, then let the owner know (not to get compensated but so that they know if this is not normal for their dog). If you mention a dog's behavior in a non-accusatory way is more helpful most owners are very receptive.

I ditto many others responses about what this community is for. I’m on this page because I had something similar happen with a puppy I’m keeping right now. We are all different and that is what makes us wonderfully unique. We should treat everyone with dignity and honor and respect. #bethesolution

Absolutely Lisa, I leave pups to take out trash, grab the mail, throw in a load of laundry...nothing wrong with that unless you know the dog will panic - it's good policy to ask.

I also think it is good to tell owners about situations like that so they know to tell future sitters, not necessarily to get compensated. The owners don't know how their dog acts without them unless we tell them and that can help another sitter avoid problems


Hi Andrea, I know it's been a couple months but I just wanted to share my experience with you so you don't feel so alone! I got a last minute request for saturday night stay one time and the owner told me casually her pup would be "scared when left alone." I told her I had church on Sunday morning and she didn't say anything regarding that. I didn't think much of it, because most dogs are a little scared when they are left alone, especially in a new environment. The pup was a really cute and good boy, until when I came back from church and I saw my blinds all over the floor. 23 out of the 25 slats were ruined. I have taken care of many dogs (my dog is 17) but I guess not dogs with SA before so I had no idea dogs with such crazy behavior existed. I expected the insurance to cover so I called Rover but they told me I was on my own with a smile. I realized the insurance that we are paying for was not to protect ourselves, but only the pups. Rover tells us how to keep the pups hydrated and prevent them from escaping, but not enough about sitter self protection. You live and you learn! A couple days later I bought a cage and require pet parents to fill a form.


I had a new client drop off their 2 German Shepherd dogs (1 was about 8 months old and the other was 5 yrs old). The 5 yr old was extremely anxious. The owners failed to mention this at all. I had to take a shower, so I figured I'd gate them in the living room (which is pretty well puppy proofed) and take a quick shower. I came out of the bathroom after just 10 mins. and found blinds were ripped to shreds. He then decided to jump from the living room onto my kitchen table through the opening in the wall between the rooms. No dog had ever done this before or even attempted it. He landed on my crystal bowl that my Mom had given me (she had passed away a few years prior so it was very special to me). The bowl shattered into what seemed a million pieces. I contacted the owners and told them to come get their dogs NOW. I couldn't take the stress of their bad behavior or anxiety. The puppy, who they said was house broken, didn't poop outside at all the entire time but rather thought it best if she pooped in the house, on the living room carpet. And she had diarrhea most of the time. It was a terrible experience and the only time I'd ever told owners to come get their dogs before the visit was over. They did apologize, but it didn't seem very sincere.

I also had a dog stay with me for a week while his Mom went away. The first 2 days were fine...the 3rd day, while I was in the shower, he decided to shred the cushion on my living room chair...destroying it. I contacted his Mom right away and sent pics. When she picked him up she didn't apologize, but asked if I'd like a gift card to Bob's Discount Furniture to replace the chair. I told her that would be great. I never heard from her again. She did leave a great review, but nothing after that.

It's hard because some owners aren't up front about their dog's behavior while others haven't experienced any bad behaviors with their fur kids. I guess it's something we as dog sitters do have to expect may happen from time to time.