
Contact through direct phone number/personal email?

I started watching the elderly dog owned by a member of my book club. She's booked me on each time, but the initial contact is always through email/text outside of Rover. This time she emailed me a few weeks out to watch her dog over the first weekend of February (I am staying with the dog as I type) - but she didn't book the stay on until early this last week. And I had to initiate that contact on (I'm not mad about that); last night she sent another email, after stay was booked on Rover, asking that I keep her posted by her personal # and not through the app. How do other sitters handle such requests??


I get that request quite a bit. The only explanation is that it would save me money not having to pay the fees to Rover, but that doesn’t really make sense, why would they care.

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Is there a reason you're reluctant to share information to her directly? It seems she already has your personal information and that's the only reason I can think of that you wouldn't be comfortable (but I could definitely be missing some pertinent information). What you might want to do is at least one update and photo through Rover - even if you resend to her cell number or email - so that an update and photo is registered on Rover. I'm not sure why the booking was initially done through Rover if she didn't find you through Rover? Anyone who finds me (or I find) outside of Rover books with pays me directly and Rover has no involvement. I know some people would have them go through Rover for the added support and protection for Rover. I have had people that found me through Rover ask me to update them directly. I would guess that because you did go through Rover for this client you're obligated through the Terms of Service to continue booking through Rover. For Rover clients that ask me to contact them directly, generally I ask if they have Rover connected to their phone in which case when I send a message to their Rover number it goes directly to their phone. They may not know this is an option. If it's a long-term client or they just aren't comfortable with the technology I might make an exception, especially with email (I have one exclusively for my doggy care business). I hope this helps! Good luck!