
how do I block time for personal use on my rover calendar if I have a doctor appointment and will not be available during a specific time slot?

Do I need to block time off on my calendar if I am going to be sporadically unavailable due to my personal calendar? This is only occasional for doctor's appointments or personal commitments. Not a repeated commitment. Or do I just wait until someone asks for that time slot and then tell them no? It would seem that this may be detrimental to my rating, and could be avoided if I could block off that hour on my calendar.


This would be such a helpful feature!!

Agree, this would be a game changer. I can meet with pets most days but occasionally need to block an hour for personal time or prior commitments. I've had to decline two amazing recurring opportunities recently because I am unable to manage my calendar like I can in Outlook etc.

2 Answers

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Unfortunately this seems to be a flaw with the Rover scheduling system and should be changed. As of now, you can only set your availability per weekdays or weekends, not per specific day. For many of us, this job works around another one, and as not everyone works a steady 9-5 type of job, the calendar should reflect that. For example, I have full-day availability on Wednesday’s, but only half-day availability every other weekday. I should be able to set my calendar to align with my specific day-to-day schedule.

It seems the only way to get around this is to write something in your “about me” section and hope that potential clients read it. But it really does need to be updated on Rover’s end. Kind of ridiculous that we can’t specify specific times, especially when clients are particular about what times they need us.


You can always block off a specific day in your calendar but not a specific time or times on a day if you aren't available, its unfortunate but the calendar does not have a lot of functionality to do what you wish to do. Many sitters have been asking Rover for more granualarity and functionality for the calendar but nothing has appeared yet.