
Is there a bug with requests going to wrong sitters?

We have had on a few occasions where we have received a request that seems to be intended for another sitter. Just today, a pet owner sent a message to another sitter (addressing them by name) that came to us. We responded but the owner replied back that they already had a sitter. This has happened at least three times this year. Is there a known glitch in the system or is this possibly just user error?

3 Answers

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I've had this happen & when I reply the person said that when they messaged the first sitter Rover recommended selecting an additional sitter just in case. Maybe that's what's happening?


It's not a glitch. A person sends a request to the sitter they chose, and after the request is sent, it asks them automatically if they want to send the same request to bunch of other sitters, just in case. And when they click on YES, the same message is sent to everybody selected. I have gotten few these messages in the beginning too and was a little confused, but only figured it out when i myself was booking a dog walker and saw the options given by Rover.


The same message with the name of the sitter they were addressing in the original message.


I'm guessing user error where the person making the request is contacting several sitters and forgot to change the name of the person whom they are addressing.