
Is it common for a dog whos been fixed to continue humping and ejaculating, years after being spade?

years after being spade, my dog continues to hump his toys and ejaculate


The first problem is that is not common to have a male dog spayed. If that is what the veterinarian did to your dog, I'd start by getting your money back.

+1 :D :D :D

4 Answers

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The behavioural benefits are overly exaggerated with neutering. Many dogs and bitches hump etc regardless if they are intact.


I had a female dog who jumped my leg twice in the six or so years I had her, both times she was telling me I was in a situation she didn’t think was safe(this I realized after the 2nd time). On both occasions I was standing near someone. The 2nd time I was standing near someone she had known for years, and had no issues with. On this occasion they were inebriated. When I moved away from the person she returned to laying at my feet and never did it again.

Male dogs will do the same action to other dogs as a sign of dominance, it is not sexual in the way we way we think of it.

I would pay attention to the “conditions” (who, What, where when). When he does this to see if there is a pattern, that could help determine if there’s something he’s trying to say.


Male dogs are neutered and not spayed. Sometimes male dogs are sterilized, much like a vasectomy in men, instead of removing the testicles. If you are taking someone's word that he is fixed, I'd get him checked by a vet asap! If the dog is neutered there will be no visible testicles, just a little pouch of skin. Humping will continue after neutering, especially if they are neutered after they have gotten into the habit of humping.


Yes and no. Sperm is produced in the testicles, male dogs are neutered by having these removed. Does your dog have them?

Neutered male dogs are still capable of linking with a female dog, but are not able to father a litter.

Humping is not a behavior linked solely to mating. Dogs do it in a variety of settings, usually it's just because they enjoy it :)