
Definition of "House sitting," & Rate help?

Hi all! Brand new to Rover, also new to the pet business in general, and my first request goes like this:

They need 4 drop in visits a day (morning, noon, 4/5, night), at least one of those is a walk, while they are away from Dec 17-Jan 4 (holiday rates?)

However, the request was made for House Sitting, which says you stay overnight.

I had set my profile to the default rates Rover gave me to start. It's a pending request and they are asking me to lower my rate because it's nearly doubled due to there being 2 dogs instead of one. This I understand. However I realized they are asking 4 daytime drop in visits over the holidays. I should mention I don't drive and to make this work I'd be paying for a bit of transportation, even if I stay there during most days/nights (which I am welcome to do, they said, but yeah, 18 days during holiday).

Any advice on how to charge in this case?


2 Answers

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Welcome to Rover and best of luck. Before I address your question I highly recommend you adjust your drop-in and walk rates to be the same as they are both 30 minute visits, this is what the majority of Rover sitters do.

You have several issues, one the booking request is for the wrong service as it should be for drop ins. If the client had selected drop-in service the rates charged woulld be even higher than the house sitting rate. So they want you to visit 4 times a day and are balking at the current rate. You don't drive so that also presents another issue.

What should you charge? If it were me I would decline the booking as its too much work for too little money and then the transportation issue. Never feel pressured to take a booking that presents difficulties for you or with clients who won't accept your rates.


Great question and great answer. I got myself into this situation, "House sitting " and I assume the client red that I would be here full-time. They're paying me $36 a night for 2 six-month old (retriever and lab) pups. Long story short, negotiate prices and meet somewhere in middle for time/money.


I agree with Walt in that I would decline this request because you don't drive.

4 visits a day is a bit much for anyone, though, and if it were me I would strongly recommend that the client book a house sitting rather than 4 visits a day. This is something that should be discussed at the M&G prior to your accepting/booking the stay. House sitting does not necessarily mean staying overnight, though, as Rover's definition is "up to 24 hours of care." I have several clients that don't require me to be there overnight, just several visits of varying length and services during the day. I basically move into the client home and use it as my base of operations during the stay, with the understanding I can come and go as needed for other clients, to visit my home, go to church, etc. I am never gone more than 2-3 hours at a time and I'm not gone every day.


The "24 hours of care" line is what I struggle with the most. I think that line puts an unrealistic expectation in the minds of some clients, although I've worked with some great people so far.

I couldn't agree with you more Jennifer