
House Sitting for 12 hours How should I price adjust?

I have a client asking for House Sitting from 7am - 7pm, twice a week. I just feel with a rate of $40 per day for house sitting, $80 just isn't worth it for those long days in clients home. I would really like the opportunity, however- I'm finding it hard to price adjust? Any advice?

Thanks! Beth

2 Answers

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A quick Search Sitters in Calgary, AB without any additional filters to narrow the area or specific preferences resulted in 14 pages of house sitters (20/page except last one=over 280 sitters) and when I set the price range to 41+, only 4 pages plus 1 on the 5th page=81 house sitters charging more than $40 for house sitting.

If you want to increase your price, you need to consider what would set you apart or how you can promote yourself so clients will see the value and contact you.

Personally, I think a lot of sitters price too low for house sitting service, but then again not everyone provides the same level of attention. Some may stay there almost the entire time while others will be gone to walk other dogs, care for their own pets, go to school, work, etc. Some price it as an all inclusive service based on 24 hours and others opt to charge a la carte style, interpreting the hours as it fits their preferences and modifying it for additional walks.


I agree with you Deb, far too many sitters undervalue their services. I've used 3x my walk and drop-in rate and charge $60 for house sitting

Thank you for your advice Deb. In this situation, I was not able to leave and come back again. The owner wanted me to stay in the home with the dog. I too feel you are correct in considering time and services. Thanks again.

For the daily rate you mention, I will do bedtime walk through breakfast, and then make midday and dinnertime visits for walk, play and feeding. If the client requires that you be there essentially around the clock, thus foregoing other jobs and responsibilities, I would charge accordingly.


House sitting is defined as a 24 hour period of time whether you stay during the night or day. If you are unable to stay full time during the day without having the ability to leave for several hours to run errands or perform other Rover services like walks or drop-ins, this may not be a good booking for you to accept. I do feel that $40 for the day is a fair rate. Best of luck


Hi Walt, Thank you for clarifying that for me! Good to hear feedback from other sitters!