
2 months shiba inu hind legs and eating problem ?

I recently got a 2 months years old bred shiba inu from a dog mill. Yesterday was the first day in my home. While he was playing with me chasing after me. Suddenly his hind legs look tired and then he will lay down. And after few minutes he will back to normal. Sometimes his hind legs look tired. But when he's playing with me his hind legs look normal at all. And also, when he is having his meal. He goes crazy over food. That makes us even harder to train him command like "sit and stay". I'm kinda worried about him. Thanks for helping me!

3 Answers

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Congrats on getting a new pup. I highly recommend you schedule an appointment with your vet to get him checked out and put any worries you have aside. Best of luck


I agree you should see a vet. As an aside, if he is from a mill, he probably spent most of his life in a cage and so doesn't have much strength/muscle. Also, he is 2 month's old and it is important to NOT over exercise them at a young age. Best to exercise everyday and work slowly up to longer time periods so the pup can properly develop muscle.
Regarding the food....I have 2 Shibas and sit a younger one. They vary with food. My one male eats his food like he hasn't eaten in a year and literally hoovers it down without chewing! He's not changed this in 11 years. :) The others are very picky and eat slowly and chew their food very carefully. They are what they are :) You can purchase special dog dishes that make them eat slower.


Definitely visit a vet. Puppies from a doggy mill are usually in a bad health condition.