
Where should I conduct meet and greats?

I don't feel comfortable giving a stranger my address and I'd prefer to not meet at their place either for safety reasons. Is it okay to ask to meet in a dog park?

3 Answers

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I do meet and greets at a park close to my house. If anyone asks why or seems bothered by it tell them that it's better for the dogs to meet on neutral territory. Which is true! You don't have to go into detail about not wanting strangers in your home. Keep the focus on the dogs and it will go great! The majority of clients are happy to meet at a park.


It is absolutely OK to ask. But just remember that many people will find it fishy and uncomfortable.

For boarding - I do meet and greets at my house. For drop in visits I do meet and greets at their house. (I used to take a male friend for all first time visits and would notify the owner about me bringing a person with me. They never had a problem with it. I would be suspicious if they demanded I must come alone.)

Make sure then you have a friend, cell phone and some "protection".


Rover advises you to hold your initial meeting with a potential client at a neutral location, like a park. If all goes well, you can then walk back to your home so that the client can see where his/her dog will actually be staying.

I do hold all my M&Gs at my home and have never had any problems or felt weird letting a total stranger into my house. You can always ask a friend to accompany you. But you should be prepared to allow the client into your home at some point.