
I joined rover several days ago but no jobs, why!?

Hello, can you guys please give me some advice on why I am not getting any jobs? What am I doing wrong or what am I missing? I joined rover several days ago but no jobs. Any help is much appreciated. Thank you!

3 Answers

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Patience, patience, patience, just because you signed up doesn't mean you start to acquire clients immediately, for many of us it take weeks or months to get that first client. Boarding and house sitting are the most requested services followed by walks and drop-ins, so with what you offer you may be limited. It's also a slow season but it typically picks up the closer we get to the holidays. Use this time to make your profile standout take and pass the Rover 101 quiz it is important, also get some family and friends to write testimonials for you, having none hurts you. I see you set your service area rather large so I would reset it to no larger than 10 miles as to large hurts you in searches. Best of luck


Hello and thank you for your input! It is greatly appreciated! I was really hoping it did have a factor of just patience so that is a relief to hear. Oh wonderful I did take the Rover 101 quiz just the other day and hope to see that badge pop up soon. Okay, I will definitely limit my area. Thank you


When I first set up my profile, it took about 3 months or longer to get my first dog walk request. It’s slowly gone up from then! Work on your profile, think of neat ways to improve your business while waiting! (I’m currently working on goody bags for repeat clients, etc). It probably depends on your area too. Get the word out, do some advertising on your social media :)


Hello! I absolutely agree about being patient and it is a slow time. To have a testimonial/s is the must! And pictures on your profile, upload a lot of pictures. I would also start with the lower fees then the other sitters on Rover in your area. You always can change them. Good luck!