
Someone used your promo code - No Funds?

I received around 3 emails saying that someone used my promo code and that $10 was added to my account. About a week later, I still don't have the money Rover said they added.

Am I being impatient? Surely it shouldn't take a week+ to add funds to an account? What is everyone else's experience getting these emails?

4 Answers

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I have an additional question. If a person uses my promo code to book another sitter, do they still get $20 off? Thanks!


I'm not sure what promo code you are getting $10 for, (the give $20 get $20 promotion with a sitter other than yourself hired for the job...?) but if you actually know the person(s) you referred you can always ask them for the booking date(s) and then you will have some idea when to expect it. Stuff like this is never credited until the entire transaction has been completed and all i's are dotted and t's crossed.

Good luck! :)


If you have actually been paid the your promo code use it should appear in your payment history here:


Hi, yes I know that. I was wondering why they haven’t shown up at all when the emails all said $10 were deposited. Was wondering if anyone else has to wait so long too, and if they knew why.

I'd give support a call because when I got the email the funds were in my account already


The booking has to be completed before you really get the funds.