
What percentage does Rover take?


I read that Rover now takes 40%. Is this correct?

2 Answers

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The Rover Now - on demand walking program in select city does indeed take 40%, the walk rate is $20 per walk and the walker keeps $12


Wow! That's quite a cut but must be based on what other walking services like Wag take. Rover seems to take every opportunity to incorporate whatever the competition is doing.

Its the same rate that Wag charges and pays the walker. And just like Wag you can now leave a tip post walk with Rover Now


Where did you read this?

Only RoverGo had a higher percentage (25%) but Walt wrote that Rover has discontinued that service. I have no idea what their RoverNow (on-demand dog walking) takes, but I can't imagine it is 40%.


Right. I called them and they said 20%. That is why I don't believe what I read on the net.

Rover GO is still an active program but they eliminated the Rover Match program

Thanks, Walt. Sometimes I can't tell the programs apart.