
How much do you charge for this service: 10 hours/day to dog-sit a puppy who has to be fed 3 times and taken out 5 times?

I am new to Rover, but has years and years of experience taking care of dogs and cats. An owner is asking me to take care of her 2 month old puppy - such a ball of energy! Here are the services she wants - 10 hours/day to dog-sit a puppy who has to be fed 3 times and taken out 5 times. How much do you charge for this service? Please help!

2 Answers

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Karen is spot on with her answer. Just wanted to say welcome to Rover


Thank you Walt!


This is interesting! I see that you are in London. Welcome!

First off, you need to fix your rate table. The puppy rate is not an add-on, but the actual amount Rover will charge any customer for house sitting a puppy. Since most people charge more for puppies, you need to fix the table for the actual amount. Since you charge £50 for house sitting an adult dog, your puppy rate needs to be entered as £75 if you intended there to be a £25 surcharge. This is probably why you were contacted because the customer only saw £25 for her puppy's daily care, which is way too low.

For your specific question, house sitting is supposed to be for 24 hours of pet care. However, you should be free to take care of other pets (walks and drop-ins) while on assignment at the other home. You are not physically tied 24/7 to that home. However, with a puppy, you are going to need to be there much more and be sure the puppy is crated or otherwise kept safe if you leave the home.

I hate to say that if you charge the customer £75 per night for puppy care, I would expect you to do all the feeding and walking you've described. Seems quite reasonable. If the customer is only seeing £25, then you need to fix it.


Hi Karen, thank you so much! Yes, I just moved to London and decided to join Rover to earn a bit. I did not see the Puppy charge so I just edited it last night. Thank you so much, this is very helpful.