
How long do I need to wait before someone discovers my services?

I'm ready to start sitting. I just wish there was a way to apply to owners for sitting. I'm completely availabe until who knows when and if I get a job.


I had rover for maybe a week, then I started to get requests and possible clients. It shouldn't take too long if you offer a variety of services and your availability is very open. Best of luck!

How do you know when you have a possible client

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The Rover platform doesn't work that way, clients find us not the other way around. There are some things I recommend you do while you are waiting. Take and pass the Rover 101 quiz and get the badge, it is important. You have set your service area too large, I recommend no more than 10 miles having too large an area keeps you out of searches. Your drop-in and walk rates should be the same. You have selected just the traveling services and unfortunately depending on your area, they man not be very popular. Best of luck